Stand-Up Paddle River Clean-up 直立板河道清潔活動 @ Bridge 5 Mill

Stand-Up Paddle River Clean-up 直立板河道清潔活動 @ Bridge 5 Mill

It’s back! Join Hong Kong Volunteers in Manchester for Stand-Up Paddleboard River Clean-up! We are keen to meet volunteers from both the local and HK community.

香港文化社同曼城義工隊嘅直立板活動返嚟啦~ 一齊為環保出一分力,清潔河道~ 有興趣參加的朋友,請立即報名!

  • Date 日期: September 7th (Saturday)
  • Time 時間:
    • Session 1: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (For volunteers with a certificate only 限已有義工證書的朋友)
    • Session 2: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM (Open to everyone 歡迎所有人參加)
  • Location 地點: Bridge 5 Mill, M4 7HR

*Paddleboards and safety equipment provided.


I acknowledge and consent to the utilisation of relevant data solely for the purpose of organising activities by Hong Kong Volunteers in Manchester (the “Organisation”) and its affiliated partners, as well as for communication regarding other related events. I understand that this activity entails physical exertion and recognise the associated medical and natural risks. It is imperative for participants to be in good physical condition and capable of engaging in this activity. As a participant, I willingly commit to partaking in this activity and assume all incidental risks and responsibilities. I understand that I have no entitlement to claim compensation or hold the Organisation liable.


When 時間

September 7, 2024    
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Registration 報名

Registration closed 報名已截止

Where 地點

Bridge 5 Mill
Bridge 5 Mill, 22A Beswick St, Manchester, M4 7HR

Event Type 活動類型

Volunteer 義工活動

Registration 報名

*Before registering, please ensure you have read the declaration mentioned. By registering, you confirm your agreement with its terms.

Do you already have an account with us 已登記帳戶? Sign in to register 請先登入.

Registration is closed for this event.